Celebrate Pi Day


March 14th is International Pi Day!

The mathematical symbol Pi (Greek letter “π”) represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter —  approximately 3.14159 – and what a sweet constant ratio it is!

Celebrate Pi Day with us and other bicycle/circular-related yummy vendors at the legendary (indoor) Artists and Fleas Market in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
With balmy weather rolling in, it’s a great time to get out & gear up for the cycling, running, walking season (and why not have a slice of PI while you’re at it!).

When: Sat., March 14th & Sun., March 15th, 10AM-7PM
Where: 70 North 7th St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn
How: L train to Bedford Ave. Stop or East River Ferry to N. 6th St/N. Williamburg, B32 or B62 Bus, walk or Bike on by!

I’m very much looking forward to seeing you there.





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